2024 sweeper
Standings for sweeper

singles sweeper
singles sweeper 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Dewayne Perry 259 258 276 793 793
2 Tj Dressler 224 237 279 740 755
3 Brian Taylor 237 258 256 751 751
4 Austin Gilbert 269 222 235 726 741
5 Bryan Nacke 256 248 190 694 730 11
6 Roarke Harden 222 206 241 669 669 72
7 Rodney Compton 188 267 212 667 667 74
8 Adam Monroe 240 169 219 628 661 80
9 Ryan Sidney 194 225 219 638 638 103
10 Fieldon Dowell 223 153 246 622 637 104
11 Doug Monroe 172 211 240 623 626 115
12 Elijah Fulford 224 208 184 616 616 125
13 Jonathan Sweatt 231 157 217 605 605 136
14 John Michael Fugate 161 210 204 575 575 166
15 Dean Baker 174 216 182 572 572 169

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