2024 August Doubles 9 Pin No Tap
Standings for August Doubles 9 Pin No Tap

9 Pin No Tap Doubles HDCP
9 Pin No Tap Doubles HDCP 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Jacob Boise / Craig Auerbach 531 564 557 1652 1730
2 Darryn Auerbach / Craig Auerbach 541 529 504 1574 1667
3 Jacob Boise / Wayne Boise 457 500 520 1477 1648
4 Gregg Carr / Chris Doler 490 518 444 1452 1593
5 Keith Lewis Sr. / Gregg Carr 484 470 459 1413 1590
6 Keith Lewis Sr. / Keith Lewis Jr. 386 510 469 1365 1587
7 Franklin Bell / Vashion Milledge 483 422 420 1325 1586
8 Don Mercer / Norman Wynn 409 470 437 1316 1580
9 Craig Auerbach / Thelma Tinson 504 369 469 1342 1543
10 Willie Engram / Jacob Boise 407 544 464 1415 1526
11 Craig Auerbach / Mary Jane 465 387 412 1264 1465
12 Thelma Tinson / Keith Lewis Jr. 396 373 413 1182 1455
13 Thelma Tinson / Keith Lewis Sr. 398 347 436 1181 1430
14 Rashaad Andrews / Willie Engram 381 473 366 1220 1388
15 Thelma Tinson / Derrick Teemer 405 351 359 1115 1316
16 Mary Jane / William Stringer 375 318 310 1003 1291
17 Thelma Tinson / Mary Jane 369 228 323 920 1220
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