2024 King's Royal Event #12
Standings for King's Royal Event #12

King's Royal Event #12
King's Royal Event #12 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1 Robbie Oakleaf 224 202 227 225 258 1136
2 Mike Moore 244 238 159 212 257 1110
3 Charlie Smith 213 225 209 195 262 1104
4 Paul Esten 161 221 191 256 249 1078
5 Seby Silvestri 180 247 177 249 215 1068
6 Zach Marlow 189 221 201 211 233 1055
7 Austin Louden 215 216 196 224 191 1042 13
8 Parker Spencer 212 190 237 203 194 1036 19
9 Austin Koehler 166 171 225 233 240 1035 20
10 Dustin McMahan 197 218 246 146 224 1031 24
11 Brandon Swanson 208 194 183 245 184 1014 41
12 John Griffanti 222 203 170 202 190 987 68
13t Daniel Farish 185 189 207 202 167 950 105
13t Michael Ingram 183 192 180 212 183 950 105
15 Chaz Mathis 199 183 173 145 242 942 113
16t Jamal Davis 169 193 166 203 197 928 127
16t Derek Justis 185 165 196 202 180 928 127
18 Richie Wayne 220 202 138 177 190 927 128
19 Daniel Durham 201 161 148 185 226 921 134
20 Erica Sisk 195 167 156 225 172 915 140
21 Dalton Kilner 135 207 198 187 182 909 146
22 Austin Bosse 192 178 196 161 168 895 160
23 Nick Bosse 158 194 155 202 175 884 171
24 Andrew Wills 182 186 139 159 157 823 232
25 Victor Hethcox 190 163 142 149 164 808 247
26 Braxton Slone 156 121 158 187 182 804 251
27 Justin Riggs 166 147 184 145 146 788 267
28 Chris Bayens 153 157 168 126 169 773 282
29 Isabella Hethcox 119 100 145 119 124 607 448
** A note from your tournament director:
Zach Marlow won the bracket

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