2024 Lakeside Lanes 9 Pin No-tap
Standings for Lakeside Lanes 9 Pin No-tap

LAKESIDE lANES 9 PIN NO-T 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Lincoln Woodward 242 287 262 231 1022 1070 $290.00
2 Matt Johnson 278 267 242 258 1045 1053 $140.00
3 Alyssa Boroff 201 219 261 206 887 1039 $100.00
4 Lujke Parish 278 230 254 276 1038 1038 $80.00
5 Greg Jackson 300 260 277 199 1036 1036 $60.00
6 Dave Coshatt 212 241 276 287 1016 1016 $40.00
7 Chris Miller 232 275 278 228 1013 1013 $30.00
8 Travis Kinstle 210 277 238 285 1010 1010
9 Chris Murray 300 300 179 230 1009 1009
10 Lauren Toussaint 165 225 209 266 865 1001
11 Randy Boroff 235 216 266 258 975 991
12 Jace Towne 183 159 218 233 793 989
13 Janis Daquila 167 163 174 244 748 988
14 Rebbeca Mclendo 212 232 197 204 845 969
15 Rob Pruitt 132 171 266 244 813 957
16 Mike Chicarelli 260 188 266 238 952 952
17 Kevin Humble 253 220 223 210 906 934
18 Terry Phelps 230 217 246 229 922 922
19 Kiethg Carmac 264 187 227 179 857 909
20 Vickie Lynch 179 155 167 198 699 895
21 RICKY Morgan 252 245 241 154 892 892
22 Brandon Kiel 191 208 227 230 856 888
23 Jarod Votaw 199 205 239 193 836 880
24 Melissa Schaefer 150 172 209 198 729 877
25 Buck Worthen 192 236 205 219 852 868
26 Marcelo Reyes 213 203 197 207 820 864
27 Daniel Coshatt 157 232 218 240 847 863
28 Ryan Deagle 227 220 191 173 811 851
29 Jason Potente 208 186 227 176 797 845
30 Kim Wetmore 130 131 174 120 555 831
31 Savannha Landham 145 171 179 131 626 818
32 MEAGAN Morgan 164 223 191 170 748 804
33 Bryant GILBERT 153 162 125 188 628 792
34 Bruce Torain 180 214 160 187 741 789
35 David Mccltllan 164 192 170 188 714 762
36 TONYA Morgan 207 184 138 159 688 740
37 Dale Wetmore 180 142 191 186 699 715
38 Andrea Parish 113 140 154 120 527 651

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