2024 Storm Tennessee Valley Bowlers Tour October
Standings for Storm Tennessee Valley Bowlers Tour October

Qualifying 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Jeff Johnson, Sr 267 300 224 225 1016 1096
2 Gunnar Williams 258 258 300 279 1095 1095
3 John Handlin 218 278 215 268 979 1059
4 Kevin Vance 237 221 267 255 980 1056
5 Bryson Sutton 178 224 269 245 916 1024
6 AJ Landis 288 234 274 223 1019 1019
7 Cody Taylor 231 236 230 225 922 990
8 Collin Huson 279 247 232 167 925 985
9 Derwin Graham 220 236 237 226 919 983
10 Tyler Williams 185 266 217 234 902 978
11 Ben Daniel 213 235 246 187 881 977
12t Eryn West 258 233 203 239 933 973
12t Matthew Clayton 224 279 225 245 973 973
14 Tim Brown 188 257 237 222 904 964
15 Josh Looney 151 200 243 228 822 946
16 Anthony Cockrell 257 213 249 213 932 944
17 Richard Smith 225 205 191 214 835 939 5
18 Seth Carter 235 206 212 204 857 937 7
19 Ricky Sease 179 220 198 214 811 935 9
20 Noah Sylvester 172 224 186 224 806 930 14
21 Jeremy Price 247 216 188 177 828 924 20
22 Randall Reed 181 277 198 241 897 913 31
23 Scott Pittsley 214 191 244 227 876 912 32
24t Ashley Handlin 208 168 181 194 751 911 33
24t Jason Widner 256 192 167 168 783 911 33
26 Stanley Knowles 218 225 175 188 806 910 34
27t Jeff Smith 207 162 164 214 747 907 37
27t Jeff Heath 184 269 210 244 907 907 37
29 Chris Jaquez 168 202 200 244 814 902 42
30 Jay Burns 203 256 198 189 846 898 46
31 Kyle Cornelius 213 236 216 183 848 896 48
32t Sterling Barnes 210 216 211 177 814 890 54
32t DJ McRae 214 170 220 222 826 890 54
34 Tommy Sneed 194 131 173 226 724 884 60
35 Roger Hebert 151 170 246 206 773 881 63
36 RonJay Johnson 215 171 214 258 858 878 66
37 Dupree Trimuel 180 155 193 182 710 870 74
38t Samuel Allen 165 165 192 219 741 869 75
38t Mark Haney 146 209 189 165 709 869 75
40 Thomas Burns 189 176 269 190 824 868 76
41 Alex Goshert 207 234 237 165 843 859 85
42 Paul Davis 189 203 202 168 762 858 86
43 Braxton Cheatwood 169 226 203 162 760 856 88
44 Carley Gardner 204 145 184 157 690 850 94
45t Damon Kling 190 209 221 195 815 847 97
45t Lane Flesher 176 197 226 180 779 847 97
47 Eddie Sneed 137 160 197 188 682 842 102
48 Gabriel Alonzo 179 170 169 161 679 839 105
49 John Clayton 183 269 167 161 780 836 108
50 James Runions 208 223 168 168 767 835 109
51 Terry Harper 158 206 210 175 749 829 115
52 Paul Kemlage 194 170 154 147 665 825 119
53 William Wrather 202 225 193 194 814 814 130
54 James Harvey 156 166 157 173 652 812 132
55 Kevin Jones 161 132 159 183 635 795 149
56 Preston Brooks 190 182 185 156 713 793 151
57 Sherwin Bates 173 136 186 191 686 750 194
58 Jake Cornelius 174 133 150 127 584 744 200
59 Wesley Coefield 107 134 177 161 579 739 205
60 Charles Maroon 168 185 184 160 697 729 215
61 Bill Higgins 132 137 140 127 536 696 248
62 Brian Vance 157 160 0 0 317 365 579

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