2024 Monday Night Singles 09/16/2024
Standings for Monday Night Singles 09/16/2024

Monday Night Singles
Monday Night Singles 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Shawn McCloud 197 268 279 744
2 Jasin Vazquez 258 225 248 731
3 Jeff Mannering 245 259 214 718
4 Howard Hirsch 257 211 225 693
5 Martin Stephens 213 268 207 688
6 Scott Austin 194 269 210 673
7 Cary Hughes 213 202 235 650
8 Eric Oppenheimer 225 207 216 648
9 Steve Weber 185 247 205 637
10 Eddie Ross 191 234 182 607
11 Joey Gaynor 179 224 193 596
12 Dan Rispoli 185 160 180 525
13 Keefe Harris 175 147 193 515
14 Dave Wiggins 163 170 166 499

Scan for Standings