2024 6 gamer - Middle Road V2
Standings for 6 gamer - Middle Road V2

Main Event
Main Event 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Malcolm Bryant 241 199 197 213 180 203 1233 1599
2 Troy Leonard 266 202 205 189 222 181 1265 1457
3 Connor Ecker 173 201 259 201 225 185 1244 1454
4t Devin Sriro 191 183 168 200 127 188 1057 1447
4t Jevaris Broomfield 177 140 163 163 182 130 955 1447
6 Walter Keirstead 246 203 173 147 230 189 1188 1416
7 Ben Broomfield 192 194 177 149 200 181 1093 1411
8 Chris Romano 180 173 198 190 212 177 1130 1406
9 Miles Robison 171 170 148 173 161 137 960 1404
10 James C Ross 183 203 146 145 153 181 1011 1401
11 Adryan Pedraza 213 159 182 219 173 176 1122 1386
12 Kendrick Williams 160 191 175 158 183 259 1126 1384
13 Nathan Samuels 148 201 237 227 289 280 1382 1382
14t Derono Hyatt 247 198 237 212 207 165 1266 1380
14t Jessy Cabanas 156 161 158 148 149 146 918 1380
16 Garrett Thompson 248 225 267 193 193 234 1360 1360
17 Jeff Piroozshad 254 233 196 237 213 211 1344 1344
18 Dennis Psarapoulos 188 169 182 247 222 177 1185 1335
19 Charles Hutcherson 225 165 201 218 213 222 1244 1328
20 Kevin Kendrick 179 167 125 126 175 198 970 1324
21 Tony Retto 202 185 229 170 212 211 1209 1323
22 Daniel Vasquez 209 204 245 179 215 163 1215 1305
23 Brian Wooding 144 146 140 191 181 189 991 1303
24 Al Amodeo 167 204 142 177 119 187 996 1290
25t Arturo Pedraza 161 199 218 193 147 192 1110 1284
25t Ray Langella 167 192 154 202 158 207 1080 1284
27 David Brown 232 257 231 167 195 187 1269 1281
28 Michelle Robison 159 153 158 142 169 145 926 1280
29 Brea Belt 163 163 157 221 171 183 1058 1274
30 Zak Lett 173 154 133 173 165 133 931 1273
31 Carlos Caro 203 212 193 171 184 179 1142 1268
32 Richard Cheney 244 171 177 190 236 190 1208 1262
33 Lesley Payne 152 195 216 162 170 186 1081 1261
34 Aramis Martinez 215 171 160 166 128 162 1002 1260
35 Scott Anderson 212 207 200 232 192 211 1254 1254
36 Anthony DeStasio 228 180 192 159 191 225 1175 1247
37 Matt Gilman 205 161 253 226 182 209 1236 1236
38 Brad Woolley 131 135 130 121 158 149 824 1232
39 Adan Lopez 158 191 155 170 173 190 1037 1217
40 Charlie Forero 193 228 244 203 196 145 1209 1209
41 Mary DeStasio 161 188 137 176 150 142 954 1200
42 Joshua Ortega 102 170 181 115 124 123 815 1199
43 Alex Sankar 193 213 158 166 234 212 1176 1176
44 Jonathan McNeal 167 158 130 161 167 182 965 1151
45 Larry Brande 193 177 180 214 201 163 1128 1146
46 James Coleman 143 135 134 136 162 178 888 1128
47 Donovan Quick 177 133 170 186 168 145 979 1123
48 Jamal Kahok 160 214 164 164 136 243 1081 1081
49 Coqui Mariscal III 167 87 144 177 167 157 899 1073
50 Mitch Bulthuis 151 122 134 98 112 131 748 1024
51 Ismail Yusuf 203 182 132 172 1 1 691 787

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