2024 Handicap vs Scratch Battle
Standings for Handicap vs Scratch Battle

Handicap vs Scratch
Handicap vs Scratch 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Korey Deck 258 279 248 202 257 1244 1244
2 Ryan Sidney 247 247 236 246 256 1232 1232
3 Jean Perez 232 258 247 222 222 1181 1181
4 Isaac Irwin 248 168 258 235 262 1171 1171
5t James Sutton II 206 188 268 258 245 1165 1165
5t Steve Spence 188 258 270 222 227 1165 1165
7 Brad Deck 201 246 240 206 255 1148 1148
8 Jeff Harris 236 244 246 202 180 1108 1108
9 Raymond Stinson 225 277 202 216 185 1105 1105
10 Derek Westberry 160 126 192 215 173 866 1096
11 Rich Logan 200 200 213 214 256 1083 1083
12 Austin Shultz 225 268 182 186 218 1079 1079
13 Matt Tucker 219 213 193 225 227 1077 1077
14 Haley Tucker 210 221 194 189 233 1047 1072
15 David Watkins 211 226 221 221 191 1070 1070
16 Chris Aker 211 222 141 205 181 960 1065
17 Mike Espinda 186 171 248 163 246 1014 1014
18 Jason Byers 254 212 185 153 193 997 997
19 Drayden Schanlaub 177 216 221 222 160 996 996
20 Chuck Vaughn 205 186 166 171 225 953 983
21t Jesse Little 185 214 207 212 160 978 978
21t Cameron Grimm 148 194 169 224 203 938 978
23 Jonathan Myers 203 185 222 169 189 968 968
24 Monty Ankrom 213 150 202 210 172 947 952
25 Matt Phillips 185 177 157 203 224 946 946
26 Noah Niles 250 167 218 131 175 941 941
27 Shane Jenks 186 201 183 168 189 927 927
28 Mark Wilson 231 201 203 151 138 924 924
29 Mark Little 138 130 165 160 153 746 916
30 Abby Woods 224 155 133 172 156 840 900
31 Scott Deck 163 129 199 171 166 828 888
32 William Bastlett 145 179 145 176 232 877 877
33 Scotty Kramer 175 192 153 207 132 859 859
34 April Haffner 148 147 164 188 131 778 838
35 Carvin Silvers 121 137 122 182 124 686 811
36 Katelyn Washington 119 131 101 137 130 618 803

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