2024 Friday Night Sweeper
Standings for Friday Night Sweeper

Friday Night Sweeper
Friday Night Sweeper 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Derek Westberry 184 158 202 204 748 996
2 Tyler Huth 173 257 183 179 792 932
3 Dave Pensinger 198 216 222 181 817 897
4 Marcus Rable 227 244 210 135 816 896
5 Jack Willerton 243 208 204 221 876 876
6 Dan Brockman 167 168 179 189 703 855
7 Chad Morris 156 237 213 237 843 843 12
8 Jeff Harris 196 228 163 207 794 838 17
9 Nick Lykins 153 136 169 186 644 828 27
10 Shane Jenks 191 181 223 214 809 813 42
11 Josh Hawes 204 201 202 188 795 811 44
12 Trevor Luedike 131 159 114 136 540 808 47
13 Brok Van Ness 162 172 167 152 653 797 58
14 Dakota Pettus 199 156 192 146 693 785 70
15 Tyler Shellabarger 170 193 200 180 743 775 80
16 Toby Golder 133 215 159 149 656 768 87
17 Mitchell Allman 184 205 160 181 730 734 121
18 Austin Sampley 116 138 135 171 560 720 135

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