2024 SMAJBT Suburban Bowlerama
Standings for SMAJBT Suburban Bowlerama

Boys HDCP 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead
1 Julian Knight 207 161 193 192 194 947 1182
2 Nolan Randisi 150 167 165 146 174 802 1102 80
3 Jameson Shanabrough 177 190 165 169 144 845 1095 87
4 Jack Vandroof 189 171 137 165 175 837 1052 130
5 Marshall Wilcher 138 155 245 131 138 807 987 195
6 Jason Lyons 148 134 116 113 128 639 929 253

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