2024 AG Proshops Boca Open Sweeper - October 5th
Standings for AG Proshops Boca Open Sweeper - October 5th

Handicap Singles
Handicap Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Ayden Yepez 212 211 165 217 805 949 $750.00
2 Alejandro Lozano 223 182 182 257 844 924 25 $350.00
3 Ben Broomfield 199 204 180 177 760 880 69 $220.00
4 Glen Butler 224 194 179 201 798 874 75 $180.00
5 Michael Nguyen 193 183 180 153 709 865 84 $160.00
6 Ashley Morrow 181 191 180 213 765 853 96 $140.00
7 Norbert Buchanan 147 145 181 155 628 828 121 $130.00
8 Gerardo Vargas 176 138 156 148 618 818 131 $120.00
9 Ace Chavis, Jr 199 151 195 191 736 816 133 $100.00
10 Joey Spagnola 255 165 201 174 795 815 134 $90.00
11 Nick Larsen 166 210 228 210 814 814 135 $80.00
12 Charles Morgan 141 212 200 164 717 805 144 9
13 Jevaris Broomfield 159 134 175 136 604 804 145 10
14 Patrick Rudio 157 203 169 186 715 803 146 11
15 Eduardo Vives 169 168 145 139 621 801 148 13
16 Adan Lopez 158 170 177 166 671 791 158 23
17 Andi Hadikosumo 120 114 204 160 598 790 159 24
18 Pedro Perez 140 221 155 182 698 786 163 28
19 Luis Lamarche 158 199 168 163 688 784 165 30
20 Marco Dieci 157 139 156 135 587 783 166 31
21 Zachary Jassenoff 207 186 172 216 781 781 168 33
22 Hector Nolivos 140 169 131 143 583 779 170 35
23t Carlos Caro 166 183 161 176 686 778 171 36
23t James E Ross 178 132 129 159 598 778 171 36
25t Patrick Cousino 133 148 164 160 605 777 172 37
25t Bryan Howard 180 157 195 157 689 777 172 37
27 Jan Vandermey 134 147 141 145 567 767 182 47
28 Garrett Thompson 190 170 204 199 763 763 186 51
29 Juan Barroso 161 144 192 123 620 760 189 54
30t Rafael Reyes 144 145 128 153 570 754 195 60
30t David Bourlier 191 143 180 152 666 754 195 60
32 Hernando Solorzano 112 129 157 153 551 751 198 63
33 Maria Guevara 133 144 144 129 550 750 199 64
34 Walter Trychta 147 124 145 147 563 743 206 71
35 JJ Salomon 154 165 170 181 670 742 207 72
36 Zak Lett 139 132 151 187 609 741 208 73
37 Paul Polito 165 164 143 183 655 735 214 79
38t Adryan Pedraza 146 157 188 128 619 731 218 83
38t Justin Velez 185 136 126 144 591 731 218 83
40 Anthony Crews 191 145 154 235 725 729 220 85
41 Franklin Torres 117 148 124 155 544 724 225 90
42 Iser Vegas 114 128 127 156 525 697 252 117
43 Derono Hyatt 152 202 147 137 638 682 267 132
44 Christian M. Farfan 148 107 200 124 579 611 338 203

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