2024 9 Pin Timberlodge 10/09
Standings for 9 Pin Timberlodge 10/09

9 Pin
9 Pin 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Connor A 229 290 224 743 827
2 Jayna E 188 231 242 661 811
3 Bobby B 243 215 251 709 784
4 Kathy T 120 218 140 478 748
5 Ernie F 262 254 227 743 743
6 Dale W 176 218 197 591 729
7 Ira K 223 187 207 617 722
8 Steve C 181 143 172 496 715
9 Ben N 138 174 189 501 687
10 Ashtyn S 187 112 161 460 664
11 Eli W 134 232 199 565 631
12 Joseph A 148 147 159 454 616

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