2024 November Doubles
Standings for November Doubles

KOTH Doubles
KOTH Doubles 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead
1 Paul Woerner / Fran Woerner 442 534 481 1457 1529
2 Deron Whitley / Mike Reed 439 490 443 1372 1462 67
3 Darrin Coleman-Height / Phil Spence 494 442 442 1378 1399 130
4 Joe Sparks / Jimmie Johnson 466 406 466 1338 1338 191
5 Randell Moody / Jerome Firmstone 363 432 419 1214 1331 198
6 TJ Ross / Kaiyu Wheeler 385 414 354 1153 1297 232
7 Tyler Mitchell / Brian Mcmahon 440 338 415 1193 1277 252
8 Shamar Whitaker / Cole Watson 434 378 350 1162 1276 253
9 Melissa Day / Jay Holdren 374 352 396 1122 1263 266
10 Rob Bryan / Kathleen Poppewell 335 413 384 1132 1261 268
11 Thomas Worrilow / Mike Farmer 335 374 433 1142 1229 300
12 Natalie Weideren / Matt Mionski 322 338 311 971 1193 336
13 Marquita Phillips / Thomas Lewis 317 396 307 1020 1155 374
14 Forrest Watson / Joffrey Hill 339 407 358 1104 1149 380
See individual results

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