2024 9 Pin No Tap October
Standings for 9 Pin No Tap October

9 Pin No Tap October
9 Pin No Tap October 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Nathan Lilianstrom / Lucas Cobb 566 498 478 1542 1660
2 Terry Bigsby / Mark Meling 439 427 424 1290 1597
3 Christe J McDougal / Bill Gillett 445 477 436 1358 1592
4 Will Tew / John Thompson 451 427 410 1288 1555
5 Don Danka / Kurtis Danka 404 409 455 1268 1549
6 Dorothy Barclay / Steve Barclay 420 326 407 1153 1513
7t Bryan Jeffers / Kerry Kelley 412 457 363 1232 1508
7t Timothy Mcgeever / Debbie Jamison 416 353 454 1223 1508
9 Lance Gilgan / Kelly Gilgan 383 478 428 1289 1484
10 Sean Stacey / James Mott 394 401 402 1197 1460
11 Jennifer Johnson / Sherry Maher 379 333 376 1088 1448
12 Jon Jay / Steve Moser 421 358 311 1090 1435
13 Terry Diarmit / Christine Johnson 350 338 473 1161 1428
14 Cindi Hale / Shirley Gillett 302 422 336 1060 1420
15 Mel Smith / Jerry Tipton 315 316 402 1033 1393
16 Irving Troy E / Irving Loretta 365 380 387 1132 1381
17 Tyler Vaughn / Patrick Tabor 323 341 376 1040 1376
18 Teresa Miller / Gary Horn 363 342 359 1064 1346
19 Lori Webb / Bob Chaffee 337 425 328 1090 1339
20 Gerald Hoover / Justin Foreman 417 258 345 1020 1302
21 Steve McIntire / Jordan Humphrey 497 354 422 1273 1300
22 Diane Pizzuti / Taunjia Whittington 278 291 372 941 1278
23 Katie Berberick / Josh Berberick 272 337 288 897 1257
24 Kevin Humeland / Donald Slack 359 291 211 861 1141
See individual results

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