2024 Pop Up 4 Game Sweeper
Standings for Pop Up 4 Game Sweeper

Pop Up 4 Gamer
Pop Up 4 Gamer 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Sylvester Boston 232 258 237 155 882 1034
2 Jamozzy Skenandore 280 234 216 258 988 1004
3 Dan Blakeslee 247 244 246 229 966 966
4 Courtney Greene 135 250 259 206 850 930
5 David Martens 200 213 181 267 861 861
6 Sara Batson 140 136 141 148 565 833
7 Kari Bechtold 161 179 145 162 647 807
8 Christion D’Marco 173 181 170 222 746 786

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