2024 King's Royal Event #14
Standings for King's Royal Event #14

King's Royal Event #14
King's Royal Event #14 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Zach Marlow 231 224 241 173 202 1071
2 Seby Silvestri 213 234 225 189 157 1018
3 Kyle Petersen 199 204 167 223 197 990
4 Jamal Davis 224 201 170 213 178 986
5 Robbie Oakleaf 169 172 166 234 196 937
6 Richie Wayne 137 214 207 213 165 936
7t Glenn Woods 193 186 266 150 132 927
7t Eric Morris 168 168 182 222 187 927
9 John Griffanti 183 212 143 195 192 925
10 Brad Riggs 185 180 184 173 200 922
11 David Smalley 159 214 208 171 166 918
12 Brett Shepherd 221 178 167 180 169 915
13 Brandon Swanson 212 192 172 134 199 909
14t Bryan Wilson 172 145 164 188 211 880
14t Jeff Lyons 166 194 183 192 145 880
16 Connor Woosley 212 187 170 150 150 869
17 Ryan Sidney 159 169 185 187 163 863
18 Craig Houser 162 181 160 179 174 856
19 Larry Oakes 219 154 180 176 126 855
20 Bob Hale 146 158 177 176 193 850
21 Dalton Kilner 173 177 188 150 158 846
22 Eduard Sides 170 166 162 192 151 841
23 Billie Jo Pierce 171 133 204 168 140 816
24 Austin Koehler 144 169 166 184 145 808
25 Mike Beatty 168 161 176 148 150 803
26 Bailey Lawson 187 102 175 155 175 794
27t James Schierman 157 176 138 122 157 750
27t Greg Belden 135 135 120 161 199 750
29 David Moore 168 114 156 132 136 706
30 Chris Bayens 124 168 120 126 157 695
31 Justin Peyton 82 108 105 100 136 531
** A note from your tournament director:
Glenn Woods won the bracket!

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