2024 Doubles Hanicap Sweeper
Standings for Doubles Hanicap Sweeper

Doubles Handicap Sweeper
Doubles Handicap Sweeper 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Jeff Oswald / Evan Thro 416 462 466 464 1808 1808
2 Blaine Salsberry / Mike Stien 490 446 399 417 1752 1752 56
3 Jake Whitehead / Tyler Javins 340 415 494 427 1676 1676 132
4 Kobe Rust / Jeff Rust 335 419 348 402 1504 1652 156
5 Reed Anderson / Eric Anderson 372 419 437 389 1617 1617 191
6 Alex Griffith / Chris Miller 352 396 385 463 1596 1596 212 21
7 Alberto Dunlap / Nathan Brown 432 375 435 343 1585 1585 223 32
8t Hunter Vermilion / Johnny Van Hesson 295 388 426 369 1478 1526 282 91
8t Joseph James / Rex James 426 295 389 416 1526 1526 282 91
10 Adam Fairley / Aleesa Fairley 333 327 287 294 1241 1393 415 224
11 Richard Everhart / Todd Thompson 352 327 346 327 1352 1352 456 265
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