2024 BVL Veterans Tournament
Standings for BVL Veterans Tournament

2024 BVL No-Tap Dbls
2024 BVL No-Tap Dbls 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 The Balding Eagles II 512 438 444 1394 1730
2 Frazske Jison 498 544 580 1622 1727
3 Maughansters 444 495 475 1414 1720
4 MC Off 472 526 462 1460 1715
5 The Butler Did It 532 545 516 1593 1677
6 Not Yet Social Security 520 506 555 1581 1668
7 Strike Force 453 431 537 1421 1637
8 I got it from Da 497 476 541 1514 1634
9 Top K 553 375 510 1438 1633
10 James McCold / Brian Hooper 578 520 498 1596 1626
11 Bastard Brothers as 522 543 509 1574 1625
12 Who Cares 423 425 453 1301 1610
13 Oops 436 419 412 1267 1603
14 Darknesses 497 517 531 1545 1593
15 Justin Graham / Kelly Small 432 511 452 1395 1587
16 Frank Ecker / Don Eversole 485 392 565 1442 1586
17 Dudley Do Little 469 438 482 1389 1584
18 Matherly/Scott 486 448 485 1419 1575
19 Ken Rasmussen / John Prescott 532 519 514 1565 1571
20 Jarhead & Squid 311 442 456 1209 1569
21 The Senior (Chiefs) 364 429 543 1336 1552
22 Gary Lott / Chris Busse 341 430 492 1263 1545
23 Guy Richardson / Jett Fernandez 487 423 486 1396 1540
24 Lt. Col Ron Yancey, U.S. Army 422 481 513 1416 1539
25 The Suttons 433 439 436 1308 1533
26 Old Guy & Young Kid 483 453 397 1333 1528
27 Hurtin' Mofos 443 456 403 1302 1527
28 FJB 502 471 436 1409 1526
29 The Spare Pair 352 415 423 1190 1517
30 Steve Bauch / Dennis Bauch 464 400 423 1287 1479
31 Darrell Foster / Jason Sutton 328 428 360 1116 1461
32 Melissa Ankenman / Julian Walker 464 444 393 1301 1445
33 Noah Kahns / Anthony Accardo 325 363 367 1055 1433
34 No Idea Yet 431 450 425 1306 1399
35 Special K 295 394 295 984 1326
36 Sean McGowen / Devin Cruse 205 238 260 703 1135
See individual results

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