2024 9 Pin Timberlodge 10/30
Standings for 9 Pin Timberlodge 10/30

9 Pin
9 Pin 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Violet Shirey 234 242 251 727 847
2 Ashtyn Smith 253 180 222 655 838
3 Dale Wilcox 232 265 199 696 823
4 Jonathan Mcmahon 280 254 238 772 772
5 Jayna Endsley 196 200 204 600 750
6 Ira King 201 221 175 597 702
7 Dan Outlaw 194 132 155 481 655
8 Eli Wever 171 256 161 588 654
9 Connor Chapman 186 153 168 507 564

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