2024 Womens Handicap Singles best 3 out of 4
Standings for Womens Handicap Singles best 3 out of 4

600 Club Singles Handicap
600 Club Singles Handicap 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Prize
1 Kelli Skarritt 256 0 266 208 730 $125.00
2 Tamra Strombeck 207 212 241 0 660 $100.00
3 Cheryl Brusseau 215 202 232 0 649 $80.00
4 Cindy Wells 0 182 191 256 629 $60.00
5 Amber Moons 0 209 222 189 620 $50.00
6 Misti Huguelet 228 178 0 213 619 $35.00
7 Therese Parrott 0 195 242 172 609
8 Mary St. Amour 180 202 0 211 593
9 Rose Waters 198 180 213 0 591
10 Karen Czapp 157 204 213 0 574
11 Jennifer Wims-Madden 203 0 191 179 573
12 Kenya Hillie 195 205 0 172 572
13 Frances Wade 214 0 172 183 569
14 Kim Webb-Stolarski 175 183 0 202 560
15 Chaunda Burton 179 170 0 195 544
16 Teresa Morris 0 178 169 191 538
17 Shaun Damron 175 202 159 0 536
18 Paula Edgar 0 179 180 171 530
19 Stephanie Wims 0 177 155 177 509
20 Cathy Angus 153 167 0 181 501
21 Sheila Kaer 0 157 199 142 498
22 Allison Hanley 146 136 0 179 461
23 Dlorah Koenig 0 137 134 178 449

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