2024 MRHS Girls Bowling Team Trials
Standings for MRHS Girls Bowling Team Trials

2024 Mount Rainier HS Gir
2024 Mount Rainier HS Gir 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1 Ravenna Foley 170 165 169 158 124 193 979
2 Bethany Colmus 167 158 134 143 171 155 928
3 Calli Torvik 159 140 128 175 151 131 884
4 Kate Thurlow 167 128 132 138 149 125 839
5 Miley Rothermel 113 109 175 144 146 114 801
6 Ximena Baez 137 131 99 150 125 113 755
7 Anna Dang 136 101 108 102 152 139 738
8 Natalie Martinez 126 124 111 99 105 111 676
9 Grace Egger 79 95 85 139 100 79 577
10 Kaitlyn Ward 71 91 87 85 112 75 521
11 Juliana Vallejos 92 49 126 90 75 63 495
12 Grace Kelly 77 125 57 84 72 74 489
13 Chiara Jarvis-Rizza 94 76 59 58 91 74 452
14 Noel Griswold-Anderson 47 65 75 70 75 95 427
15 Abby McLean 60 57 78 84 76 67 422
16 Olivia Overgaard 61 54 54 61 81 66 377 45
17 Rhianne Polee 66 79 52 197 225

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