Wed. Wild Ones
Wed. Wild Ones 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Brent Oestreich 228 216 265 709 745
2 Gerald Sanders 237 257 220 714 729
3 Chris Chapman 216 236 206 658 697
4 Randy Crabtree 192 171 172 535 667
5 Ashley Raska 205 203 208 616 664
6 Ricky Whitton 196 205 225 626 659
7 Kenneth Davis 162 224 213 599 626
8 Tony Foreman Sr 146 199 171 516 624
9 Steve Cook 148 240 388 466
10 Taylor Howell 206 156 362 460
11 Earnest Jamerson 201 179 380 442
12 Heather Deal 151 169 320 428
13 Ed Bowser 182 187 369 423
14 Pat Phelps 206 194 400 410
15 Kenny King 161 194 355 373
16 Taylor Howell 206 206 255
17 Gerald Sanders 237 237 242
18 Randy Crabtree 192 192 236
19 Earnest Jamerson 201 201 232
20 Chris Chapman 216 216 225
21 Ashley Raska 205 205 221
22 Pat Phelps 206 206 211
23 Ed Bowser 182 182 209
24 Heather Deal 151 151 205
25 Steve Cook 148 148 187
26 Tony Foreman Sr 146 146 182
27 Kenneth Davis 162 162 171
28 Kenny King 161 161 170

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