2024 Gamblers brackets
Standings for Gamblers brackets

side 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Micheal Wells 246 233 256 735 777
2 Paul Mandap 211 257 258 726 726
3 Tracy Conrad 201 211 203 615 714
4 George Jones 223 255 222 700 700
5 Tanner Webb 244 207 237 688 688
6 Matt Baur 279 226 173 678 678
7 Garth Forsberg 176 234 236 646 676
8 Joseph Johnson 205 168 200 573 675
9 Julian Fulbright 179 192 200 571 649
10 Marlon Godoy 256 171 139 566 647
11 Robert Killbourne Sr. 193 168 132 493 601
12 Jaqueline Sims-Oliver 130 125 137 392 584
13 Anita Jones 239 174 413 457
14 Denise Dennis 233 147 380 456
15 Krystal Lewright 199 181 380 438
16 Nate Tang 199 173 372 424
17 Michelle Beasley 156 94 250 422
18 Anthony James 197 206 403 403
19 Jeremy Morelock 204 194 398 398
20 Chris Bennett 179 197 376 376
21 Armando Godoy 205 160 365 365
22 Carmen Bell 129 129 198
23 Monique Cooper 138 138 174
24 Cody Herzog 158 158 158

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