2024 NO TAP DOUBLES - November 30th
Standings for NO TAP DOUBLES - November 30th

MAIN EVENT 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Colin Taschner / David Krammer 540 555 500 482 2077 2353
2 Benza/Cooper 554 497 506 441 1998 2338 15
3 Stevens/Wukasch 578 597 542 520 2237 2337 16
4 Perin/Rizzo 482 579 392 456 1909 2305 48
5 Polaski/Riegling 539 586 548 537 2210 2282 71 23
6 Dence/Oxman 575 515 434 501 2025 2277 76 28
7 Logan Lee / Raymond Green 490 481 560 472 2003 2271 82 34
8 Elaine Modugno / Scott Cooper 515 506 577 447 2045 2237 116 68
9 Seitz/Stevens 452 542 477 485 1956 2224 129 81
10 Jon Lokken / Nick Peabody 465 513 511 541 2030 2190 163 115
11 Crystal Tigertail / Raymond Tigertail 416 496 509 452 1873 2177 176 128
12 Greg Lindsay / Terrie Weisse 488 452 441 474 1855 2175 178 130
13 Jennifer Dovers / Samantha McCue 521 507 425 457 1910 2170 183 135
14 Williams/Yeager 469 475 419 470 1833 2149 204 156
15 Eddy/Eddy 398 577 458 543 1976 2084 269 221
16 Darryn Ingram / Donovan Ingram 396 458 470 420 1744 2048 305 257
17 Swiger/Driggers 449 507 447 363 1766 1990 363 315
18 Kevin Rutledge / Nathaniel Johnson 441 466 377 476 1760 1940 413 365
19 Ortiz/Agosta 329 359 409 332 1429 1909 444 396
20 Modugno/smith 542 431 391 450 1814 1886 467 419
21 John Smith / Charity Iker 303 448 428 381 1560 1876 477 429
22 Nicolas Sanders / Dion Bert 308 280 269 264 1121 1461 892 844
See individual results

Scan for Standings