2024 24-25 CBE Open Doubles
Standings for 24-25 CBE Open Doubles

24-25 CBE Open Doubles
24-25 CBE Open Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead From Cut
1 Alex Benton / Mike Hardesty 461 458 471 397 480 2267 +267
2 Bryanna Cote / Bryan Van Sickle 439 526 436 442 410 2253 +253 14
3 Robbie Patterson / Matt Jones 391 441 415 490 502 2239 +239 28
4 Tim Ursillo / Cameron Smith 405 397 490 484 432 2208 +208 59
5t Josh Blanchard / Greg Thompson 413 430 414 452 473 2182 +182 85
5t Eddie Van Danicker / Wesley Low 427 471 423 448 413 2182 +182 85
7 Derek Acuff / Michael Fitzgerald 373 447 511 351 465 2147 +147 120
8 Kyler Adams / Ben Perry 340 418 478 421 484 2141 +141 126
9 Shawn Grant / Zach Van Dusen 471 420 418 460 358 2127 +127 140 14
10 Dwight Burns / Keith Dommer 445 416 397 434 425 2117 +117 150 24
11 Warren Eales / Steve Roberts 439 384 405 454 398 2080 +80 187 61
12 Dan Quilt / Brett Wolfe 376 455 437 378 432 2078 +78 189 63
13 Roy McKnight / Chris Ingram 443 412 376 465 381 2077 +77 190 64
14 Juan Canez / Dylan Donahue 440 401 403 456 351 2051 +51 216 90
15 Matt Herbert / Brennan Haugh 406 396 390 453 384 2029 +29 238 112
16 Josh Molloy / Wesley Cunningham 412 368 409 397 410 1996 -4 271 145
17 Brandon Knapp / Tim Jacob 358 431 371 441 380 1981 -19 286 160
18 Kyle Ponzo / Wyatt Trzaskowski 379 434 455 336 375 1979 -21 288 162
19 Chris Strehl / Garret Strehl 389 385 389 432 380 1975 -25 292 166
20 Keith Fung / Kyle King 366 416 403 419 364 1968 -32 299 173
21 Shawn Whitelaw / Felipe Espriu 378 367 381 380 459 1965 -35 302 176
22 Matt Reif / Aaron Yamamoto 386 426 347 412 365 1936 -64 331 205
23 Chris “Stewie” Stewart / Art Harris 442 397 382 404 302 1927 -73 340 214
24 Nick Devlin / Mike Devlin 365 388 447 351 365 1916 -84 351 225
25 Garrett Plum / Aliyas Sargento 416 339 393 343 412 1903 -97 364 238
26 Pat Lombardo / Joey Burruel 351 381 352 433 379 1896 -104 371 245
27 Jonathan Mayer / Virginia Young 404 362 387 351 366 1870 -130 397 271
28 Jeremy McElliott / DJ Kneifel 342 353 409 358 405 1867 -133 400 274
29 Shawn Wood / Josh Anthony 358 363 368 378 394 1861 -139 406 280
30 Quin Bell / Joshua Brown 374 413 348 395 321 1851 -149 416 290
31 Shan Nosbusch / Jessica Nosbusch 371 348 384 366 376 1845 -155 422 296
32 Carlton Aspin / Jay Ciccanti 351 412 376 352 353 1844 -156 423 297
33 Keith Ylvisaker / Carlton Johnson 373 312 384 329 401 1799 -201 468 342
34 Jimmie Montgomery / Jeffrey Crowley 360 321 327 369 403 1780 -220 487 361
35 Dylan Taylor / Zach Herbert 366 347 335 346 326 1720 -280 547 421
36 Tyler Milbrandt / Leah Zweig 300 380 275 305 332 1592 -408 675 549
See individual results

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