2025 John Loft League Brackets 1-8-25
Standings for John Loft League Brackets 1-8-25

John Loft League 1-8-2025
John Loft League 1-8-2025 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Kyle Groves 245 256 258 759
2t Will Courchane 214 213 234 661
2t Mike Hansen 252 220 189 661
4 Jim Woody Allen 213 233 196 642
5 Mike Sorte 187 203 196 586
6 Brian Long 262 208 470
7 Mike Hanson HOF 203 206 409
8 Anders Weaver 197 159 356
9 Jeff Gac 178 143 321
10 Ryan Dahlstrom 198 198
11 Carlos Croswhite 192 192
12 Heith K Carlton 186 186
13 Matt Olsen 180 180
14 Don Howell 156 156

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