2025 Pete Weber Dream Shot
Standings for Pete Weber Dream Shot

Singles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Andy Cline 247 279 225 238 220 238 237 1684
2 Collin Walsh 246 203 215 246 268 226 267 1671
3 Derek Luper 236 254 236 225 247 247 225 1670
4 Trevor Piepergerdes 290 183 226 232 278 197 252 1658
5 Ben Porter 243 202 239 225 256 246 246 1657
6 Chandler Tisdale 223 246 213 236 205 224 264 1611
7 CJ Bakoylis 179 179 226 245 300 254 224 1607
8 Matt Harper 234 246 215 211 203 246 245 1600
9 Austin Strack 279 215 243 222 229 175 231 1594
10t Garrett Jolly 222 235 247 257 187 235 202 1585
10t Jacob Johnson 245 235 232 223 233 222 195 1585
12 David Cheney 267 163 204 259 269 187 218 1567
13 David Jepsen 238 223 235 174 226 247 215 1558
14 Tyler Meyer 223 246 211 227 195 254 189 1545
15 Aaron Johnston 242 243 230 201 245 193 189 1543
16 Chase Valenzuela 207 206 186 248 206 244 237 1534
17 James Slaven 232 215 232 210 267 196 178 1530
18 Wayne Ingram 216 171 226 230 205 211 267 1526
19t Michael Cottom 245 255 222 169 211 207 215 1524
19t Brandon Johnston 172 223 226 211 257 210 225 1524
21 Derek Vonarx 219 242 245 203 173 226 214 1522
22 Jared Coker 180 215 232 227 237 195 235 1521
23 Jeremy Kinealy 255 186 234 180 191 245 228 1519
24 Brenden Williams 201 211 245 223 198 195 245 1518
25 Austin Shyrock 223 200 192 203 203 269 227 1517
26t Shawn Carson 211 181 213 236 257 232 180 1510
26t Robert Minshall 188 188 255 237 206 202 234 1510
28 Tony Yarbrough 236 204 214 170 248 204 220 1496
29 Dalton Cook 182 205 198 237 224 211 224 1481
30 Josh Cordell 185 193 228 201 299 199 171 1476
31 Preston Stokes 180 201 265 245 214 182 180 1467
32 Richie Tharp 276 184 241 199 187 170 191 1448
33 Jesse Rude 201 162 235 192 216 194 246 1446
34 Anthony Miller 205 217 224 169 211 183 236 1445
35 Joey Damon 222 191 211 216 223 182 192 1437
36 Dennis Whittle 187 195 220 205 213 246 168 1434
37 Andrew Stephens 216 213 168 186 196 232 204 1415
38 Aaron Penick 193 195 230 201 204 170 210 1403
39 Jake Camacho 187 189 188 226 203 174 224 1391
40 Chris Schnieder 163 213 176 164 213 238 205 1372
41 Michael Crossman 246 202 186 167 190 179 197 1367
42 Leland Frey 195 190 199 180 189 181 231 1365
43 Tristain Musick 217 202 202 160 195 203 171 1350
44 Jesse Jacobson 158 220 190 176 228 195 153 1320
45 Nick Weeks 162 168 187 182 238 194 184 1315
46 John Johnson 130 154 181 206 208 174 198 1251
47 Lennon Brixey 172 179 204 232 190 181 1158
48 Troy Rieth 190 198 213 133 219 195 1148
49 David Collins 212 157 193 194 188 200 1144
50 Mike Strack 178 200 229 137 194 184 1122
51 Ronald Van Fossen 206 178 158 187 199 176 1104
52 Connor Haynes 161 178 187 160 201 213 1100
53 TJ Lazar 214 192 156 152 223 140 1077
54 Shelby Rockhold 180 163 169 189 189 150 1040
55 David Loveday 136 175 180 177 188 159 1015
56 Jeff Ragland 246 234 164 189 174 1007
57 Jerrod Tapscott 235 167 185 196 176 959
58 Chris Blum 228 178 155 194 184 939
59 Heath Jenkins 210 181 165 199 155 910
60 Michael Taylor 179 170 213 191 154 907
61 Phil Alberty 205 164 169 198 170 906
62 Reese Helmka 141 188 179 224 161 893
63 Tyler Lynch 161 158 152 194 186 851
64 Jeremy Jones 182 166 111 214 149 822
65 Nathan Thalacker 152 207 209 192 760
66 DJ Howe 166 151 153 146 135 751
67 Daren Breedlove 201 169 183 553
68 Brady Sanders 196 163 147 506
69 Gene Pyle 133 180 178 491

Scan for Standings