2025 24/25 20th Century 9-Pin SINGLES - #6
Standings for 24/25 20th Century 9-Pin SINGLES - #6

9PIN SINGLES 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Jason Beecroft 278 278 300 254 1110 1166
2 Michael Scheidt 226 243 238 240 947 1147
3 Jonathan Workman 255 244 265 262 1026 1130
4 Dana Weber 219 290 265 246 1020 1088
5 Rene Malicdan 244 231 234 253 962 1074
6 Darius Sims 230 243 273 263 1009 1073 1 $84.00
7 David Seholm 185 198 216 223 822 1062 12 $80.00
8t Sheila Vodopest 191 206 193 227 817 1041 33 $62.00
8t Jun Austria 277 235 177 208 897 1041 33 $62.00
10 Darryl Olivar 275 197 215 265 952 1040 34 $50.00
11 Jennifer Gilitiuk 254 186 168 226 834 1038 36 $44.00
12t Robert Tolzin 167 226 230 278 901 1033 41 $36.00
12t Christopher Olinger 235 221 181 256 893 1033 41 $36.00
14t Rick Nootenboom 244 300 241 203 988 1032 42 $26.00
14t Brad Hamby 213 255 235 233 936 1032 42 $26.00
16 Reggie Cubangbang 265 166 263 260 954 1026 48 $20.00
17 Jam Calma 185 190 156 245 776 1016 58
18 Paula Roque 161 200 240 197 798 1014 60
19 Dan Simmons 215 178 256 188 837 1009 65
20t Sol Vilena 177 169 213 209 768 1008 66
20t Chris Hicks 266 254 210 222 952 1008 66
22t Ian Sharp 242 193 185 202 822 1006 68
22t Jason Fridlund 203 266 211 238 918 1006 68
24 Mythias Castres 290 175 258 151 874 998 76
25 Erik Seholm 188 278 264 231 961 997 77
26 Trina McCown 206 164 278 145 793 989 85
27 Terry Feeney 246 207 226 217 896 984 90
28 Derek Li 223 251 236 212 922 982 92
29 Gerry Austria 214 162 223 191 790 978 96
30 Kimee Wagstaff 192 210 194 268 864 972 102
31 Alex Garcia 248 168 241 212 869 969 105
32 Marty Rasmussen 178 172 225 290 865 961 113
33 Jeff Hanks 208 174 183 208 773 953 121
34 David Smith 209 187 210 178 784 944 130
35 Elisabeth Erickson 206 193 174 246 819 939 135
36 Paul Berube 230 182 300 179 891 923 151
37 Debbie Wharton 161 183 233 157 734 922 152
38 Larry Fridlund 166 198 180 287 831 919 155
39 Dodie Medrano 178 140 182 175 675 915 159
40 Cesar Lim 202 192 178 237 809 913 161
41 Melissa Ashby 143 209 136 182 670 910 164
42 Devante Mowatt 168 185 190 221 764 908 166
43 Keith Huntoon 167 183 242 159 751 907 167
44 Kaylee Leatherwood 157 225 201 167 750 906 168
45 Ken Neal 201 212 151 222 786 902 172
46 David Aguilar 178 205 230 228 841 897 177
47t Tom McFadden 227 167 151 134 679 895 179
47t Michelle Escalona 119 148 226 162 655 895 179
49 Mike Jones 171 188 187 216 762 886 188
50 Derick Gallano 204 175 178 196 753 885 189
51 Craig Lynch 158 163 266 188 775 883 191
52 Uly Barranda 152 189 205 203 749 881 193
53 Joey Pesner 233 165 123 231 752 880 194
54 Pablo Medrano 228 146 164 188 726 878 196
55 Rene Austria 209 199 178 140 726 874 200
56 Marsha Neal 201 192 165 168 726 870 204
57t Cameron McFadden 156 189 138 174 657 861 213
57t Devin Drury 198 157 192 166 713 861 213
59t Brian Ruckledge 179 236 176 183 774 858 216
59t Shannon Robertson 162 128 159 169 618 858 216
61 Louie Vinluan 174 170 154 173 671 843 231
62 Michael Mclin 273 188 184 153 798 842 232
63 Lake Lipke 170 183 135 176 664 828 246
64 Ray Hall 143 172 120 199 634 826 248
65 Steven Braykovich 200 156 160 198 714 818 256
66 Ryan Barker 135 264 185 207 791 807 267
67 Daniel Cox 137 155 121 132 545 785 289

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