2025 Big Money Scratch
Standings for Big Money Scratch

Big Money Scratch
Big Money Scratch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut Prize
1 Matthew Mesecher 269 199 269 257 209 187 199 218 1807 $1800.00
2 AJ Wolstenholme 257 220 279 238 221 194 213 177 1799 $1000.00
3 Michael Weyl 244 210 214 190 222 234 199 255 1768 $600.00
4 Nate Garcia 237 194 224 192 206 246 234 222 1755 $480.00
5 David Stouffer 225 248 194 228 205 214 225 210 1749 $420.00
6 Alexander Chew 170 205 223 242 148 235 245 232 1700 $340.00
7 Kenny Ryan 162 183 225 200 203 229 225 270 1697 $300.00
8 Steve Johnson 187 231 171 244 236 214 205 188 1676 $200.00
9 Kyle Pranger 189 191 242 205 203 243 203 187 1663 $160.00
10 Sean Wyers 203 198 200 233 206 215 200 204 1659 $150.00
11 Laurynas NaruĊĦis 237 189 206 225 195 202 167 206 1627 32
12 Nick Larsen 223 235 182 183 204 180 201 207 1615 44
13 Solomon Johnson 142 225 154 236 195 232 192 230 1606 53
14 Jason Miller 196 166 231 223 188 177 198 217 1596 63
15 Austin Grammar 183 172 207 202 200 244 191 163 1562 97
16 Ray Repaci 201 202 174 187 182 222 148 234 1550 109
17 Dale Hull 248 191 151 152 188 234 169 199 1532 127
18 Lee Sebring 230 214 247 204 130 179 186 141 1531 128
19 Mike McCullough 201 190 143 160 200 198 177 247 1516 143
20 Brett Lloyd 165 191 203 181 214 223 183 155 1515 144
21 Anthony Crews 224 155 164 201 190 213 182 169 1498 161
22 Richard Rathjen, Jr 171 202 186 173 180 194 198 179 1483 176
23 Gary Livingston 239 167 207 176 132 219 167 171 1478 181
24 Quinn Tillman 207 166 222 127 239 175 152 180 1468 191
25 Aaron Reingold 131 167 200 216 201 149 201 196 1461 198
26 Theo Cox 174 200 170 216 166 173 168 193 1460 199
27 Gregory Scott 202 195 197 179 147 181 162 196 1459 200
28t Ryan Sapp 207 189 170 168 169 222 179 144 1448 211
28t Mike Chicarelli 199 218 213 171 157 138 159 193 1448 211
30 Quinton Barnhill 192 215 149 170 163 175 208 158 1430 229
31 Kaden Snavely 193 164 163 164 153 182 188 221 1428 231
32t Jesse Barnhill 218 150 203 177 147 192 161 155 1403 256
32t Tom Martin 180 159 167 147 184 185 200 181 1403 256
34 Greg Jackson 158 190 151 150 173 143 185 191 1341 318
35 Thomas Badour 190 198 189 169 139 159 147 147 1338 321
36 Robbie Young JR 179 160 150 171 195 156 182 123 1316 343
37 Alex Glover 175 194 155 188 170 143 149 132 1306 353
38 Isaiah Washington 124 144 184 177 170 152 165 181 1297 362
39 Clint Washington 199 107 167 152 169 168 152 178 1292 367
40 Josh Quillen 142 166 149 149 178 122 150 220 1276 383
41 Steven Stouffer 190 201 124 142 167 148 161 128 1261 398
42 Zach Phelps 149 144 158 126 135 130 143 146 1131 528

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