2025 2025 Premier Amateur Scratch Tournament
Standings for 2025 Premier Amateur Scratch Tournament

Premier Amateur Scratch
Premier Amateur Scratch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Prize
1 Dave Paffumi 280 225 236 201 223 227 300 237 1929 $1000.00
2 Ben Wells 248 279 216 247 246 234 246 203 1919 $600.00
3 Mark Dillard 236 259 213 285 224 201 211 236 1865 $350.00
4 Zach Hearing 195 212 255 201 205 258 259 257 1842 $250.00
5 Justin Turner 289 268 214 221 215 189 213 222 1831 $175.00
6 Darren Fitzsimmons 183 262 226 276 203 200 224 211 1785 $113.00
7 Detric Stanciel 179 217 207 246 261 213 277 182 1782
8 Josh Vardaman 236 238 209 215 235 238 210 188 1769
9 Nathan Apgar 229 189 206 214 268 214 214 213 1747
10 Bobby Thomas 229 180 256 175 180 255 219 237 1731
11 David Proctor 206 214 236 231 218 194 211 215 1725
12 James Anthony II 279 226 210 231 180 172 201 220 1719
13 Westyn Griffin 172 257 237 224 228 190 231 162 1701
14 Larry Brandon 225 235 277 215 145 233 177 191 1698
15 Spencer Harp 199 266 226 256 160 177 218 180 1682
16 Donnie Wilson 192 204 201 204 236 208 212 218 1675
17 Brian Kuykendall 197 191 227 207 159 209 259 222 1671
18t Eric Deal 195 169 210 190 221 254 205 220 1664
18t Kyle Hubbuch 197 210 180 208 274 200 198 197 1664
20 Keith Mathis 168 258 197 257 179 242 170 189 1660
21 Maurice Chambers 213 216 217 210 170 189 184 233 1632
22 Michael Hogan 179 206 175 224 221 192 228 171 1596
23 Percy Bradley 172 195 236 174 202 258 207 148 1592
24 Troy Brown 212 237 165 189 198 196 220 171 1588
25 Albert Stiriz 204 225 246 217 192 225 127 148 1584
26 John Sisovong 220 190 201 234 165 170 190 204 1574
27 Austin Bolden 224 247 159 216 200 144 202 173 1565
28 Brian Mueller 222 239 137 188 193 210 170 203 1562
29 Matthew Holliman 209 201 182 198 160 170 225 207 1552
30 Mark Partree 160 188 172 166 196 202 228 238 1550
31 Cori Xaynouvong 149 212 154 176 238 187 264 167 1547
32 Mason Morgan 232 158 191 141 180 179 223 223 1527
33 John L Smith Jr 160 189 225 152 170 182 224 179 1481
34 Spencer Robinson 173 157 192 148 158 222 194 171 1415
35 Jeff Bonte 151 169 154 169 167 213 160 204 1387
36 Ayden Hogan 168 142 181 178 210 146 171 168 1364

Scan for Standings