2025 Feb 8th Baker Doubles
Standings for Feb 8th Baker Doubles

Feb 8th Baker Doubles
Feb 8th Baker Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Team Alcini 258 268 246 218 224 238 1452 1524
2 Team Defillippo 268 212 222 235 279 246 1462 1492
3 Team Martin 232 242 235 192 240 156 1297 1453
4 Team Rasche 236 204 233 183 232 225 1313 1433
5t Team King 225 196 215 247 234 243 1360 1420
5t Team Slavin 277 229 208 232 227 187 1360 1420
7 Team Moore 182 202 169 201 160 176 1090 1390 30
8 Team Raymond 243 213 254 209 258 210 1387 1387 33
9 Team Lee 236 215 199 222 195 192 1259 1385 35
10 Team Dombeck 224 159 177 223 161 232 1176 1380 40
11 Team Dimuzio 191 254 217 214 193 198 1267 1369 51
12 Team Golden 203 141 173 204 233 278 1232 1364 56
13 Team Johnson 215 246 199 247 239 214 1360 1360 60
14 Team Shah Sr 215 222 180 206 169 189 1181 1355 65
15 Team Young 175 211 244 161 268 258 1317 1335 85
16 Team Najon 204 178 193 267 220 223 1285 1333 87
17 Team Zaitonia 217 160 212 217 207 217 1230 1332 88
18 Team Radcliff 227 190 187 220 170 203 1197 1329 91
19 Team Gietzen 158 167 181 202 172 171 1051 1327 93
20 Team Lazar 241 210 167 170 222 247 1257 1323 97
21 Team Brown 165 157 173 174 162 183 1014 1302 118
22 Team Brannon 194 179 172 152 126 188 1011 1299 121
23 Team Mcclure 203 242 211 199 160 201 1216 1294 126
24 Team Smith 191 192 225 235 248 202 1293 1293 127
25 Team Gardner 150 166 182 182 186 168 1034 1274 146
26 Team Stroshein 167 161 228 177 198 161 1092 1266 154
27 Team Cavalli 224 278 190 210 179 180 1261 1261 159
28 Team Matuscak 254 235 211 160 190 171 1221 1245 175
29 Team Patterson 204 192 219 167 165 203 1150 1240 180
30 Team Frankie 146 174 190 187 205 205 1107 1239 181
31 Team Springstead 193 175 191 193 171 171 1094 1238 182
32 Team Banks 152 181 181 208 185 183 1090 1216 204
33 Team Vargas 162 164 121 197 128 137 909 1209 211
34 Team Ludeman 181 217 170 158 145 209 1080 1200 220

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