2025 copy_Eastownbowl.com
Standings for copy_Eastownbowl.com

Eastownbowl.com 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Jordan Krempp 191 186 199 213 225 1014 1224
2 Cody Schmitt 218 216 188 217 212 1051 1206
3 Chelsea Kiefer 258 201 244 247 215 1165 1190
4 Brad Bolling 212 237 243 236 188 1116 1181
5 Ron Schitter 204 199 201 199 267 1070 1165
6 Daniel Berg 266 216 222 163 234 1101 1156
7 Janelle Hochgesang 181 207 224 194 170 976 1141
8 Shane Fendel 258 242 157 225 212 1094 1109
9 Jim Clements 202 164 230 168 189 953 1108
10 Nick Vibanco 227 246 214 161 203 1051 1101
11 Travis Lechner 187 205 165 179 195 931 1081
12 Adam Marchino 199 192 242 197 204 1034 1079
13 Brock Matthews 209 227 191 174 198 999 1069
14 Dane Reynolds 201 210 215 255 144 1025 1055
15 Sue Welch 192 171 181 182 174 900 1040
16 Ann Smith 137 182 132 154 160 765 1035
17 William Barkley 149 166 258 174 207 954 1034
18 Craig LeMond 162 181 181 223 279 1026 1026
19 Brian Mundy 153 181 191 134 162 821 1016
20 John Wilz 181 210 173 184 217 965 1010
21 Zach Madley 237 188 185 213 184 1007 1007
22 Dustin Ramage 163 162 181 149 186 841 1006
23 Tysen Mehringer 157 154 188 210 198 907 1002
24 Bryson Bolling 174 235 185 184 169 947 992
25 Chris Klein 158 183 166 199 225 931 986
26 Scott Koterman 177 153 165 154 190 839 979
27 Jacob Kiefer 167 149 176 244 203 939 974
28 Randy Nehaus 186 137 183 194 160 860 965
29 James Kent 161 175 151 167 180 834 964
30 Jeff Sanders 162 157 149 198 168 834 944
31 Tina Sult 166 153 130 168 163 780 940
32 Allan Broeker 213 167 145 159 144 828 928
33 Nancy Seibert 149 141 164 146 180 780 915

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