2022 Lilac Lanes Senior No-Tap 06.17.2022
Standings for Lilac Lanes Senior No-Tap 06.17.2022

Mens Senior No-tap
Mens Senior No-tap 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Matt Hafner 245 207 248 264 964 1104
2 Don Butler 300 263 300 234 1097 1097
3 Cliff Johnson 231 228 276 241 976 1068
4 Karl Simmons 195 223 230 300 948 1032
5 Brandon Beckley 223 195 199 224 841 1029
6 Andy Krizanic 183 202 250 172 807 1011
7 Roy Oscarson 257 190 230 174 851 983
8 Frank Waga 158 244 200 190 792 972
9 Jack Hayes 202 208 151 220 781 949
10 Kevin Yates 184 266 145 187 782 938
11t Allan Cook 188 207 230 153 778 926
11t Jack Rounsville 190 144 243 141 718 926
13 Steve Luders 183 127 175 195 680 920
14 Ken Bolles 178 211 162 178 729 897
15 Ole Hoener 173 142 147 209 671 895
16 Daryl Bailly 183 176 198 142 699 887
17 Dennis McDonough 193 150 194 175 712 872
18 Jim Charles 118 157 210 144 629 833
19 Russ Lewis 144 171 137 173 625 805

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