2023 9 Pin No Tap Halloween #7
Standings for 9 Pin No Tap Halloween #7

9 Pin No Tap Halloween
9 Pin No Tap Halloween 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 LeShaye Miller / PJ Tierney 533 437 441 555 1966 2194 $450.00
2 Mike Pierce / Devon Strafford 496 492 470 427 1885 2193 1 $232.00
3 Ricky Fraley / Ken Fraley 483 462 544 513 2002 2162 32 31
4 Rodney Newsome / Bettie Newsome 408 535 487 445 1875 2143 51 50
5 Gina Horton / Carl Gibson 463 457 553 461 1934 2118 76 75
6 Vinny Weinhardt / Devonte Fremond 452 399 567 369 1787 2107 87 86
7 Chandra Parmiter / Lyle Lofland 448 510 362 456 1776 2088 106 105
8 Susan Gallo / Robert Mostiller 382 433 415 420 1650 2046 148 147
9 Mark Ott / Robert Zielinski 474 480 433 407 1794 1998 196 195
10 Aaron Wheeler / Vinnie Spagnola 500 464 416 524 1904 1944 250 249
11 Edwin Buscemi / Connie Long 306 375 506 392 1579 1935 259 258
12 Kevin Day / Laurie Day 472 334 375 376 1557 1869 325 324
See individual results
** A note from your tournament director:
Thank you all for bowling... Happy Halloween!!!

Scan for Standings