2024 Singles Showdown
Standings for Singles Showdown

Singles Showdown
Singles Showdown 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead
1 Fred Owens 189 214 209 612 738
2 DERRICK KELLY 183 205 205 593 734 4
3 Josh Barnes 221 204 215 640 727 11
4 Matthew Wing 202 246 206 654 726 12
5 Don Davis 233 200 194 627 702 36
6 Harry Dailey 129 175 142 446 683 55
7 Josh Barnes 190 200 194 584 671 67
8t Tony Cole 175 225 234 634 670 68
8t Tony Cole 232 210 192 634 670 68
10 Harry Dailey 144 135 134 413 650 88
11 Webb Robert 183 169 195 547 547 191
12 Robert Webb 138 190 173 501 501 237
** A note from your tournament director:
Thank you for those that participated.

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