2025 Tuesday League Brackets
Standings for Tuesday League Brackets

Tuesday League
Tuesday League 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Erik D 290 246 279 815
2 Tommy N 245 235 267 747
3 Gerrick G 248 216 248 712
4 Kevin F 247 269 195 711
5 Micah H 233 233 232 698
6 Dennis Sr 193 209 232 634
7 Mike J 193 212 142 547
8 Matt R 279 206 485
9 James C 181 224 405
10 Archie P 216 157 373
11 Herb T 181 176 357
12 Jose C 247 247
13 Jeff H 244 244
14 Rick P 243 243
15 Juan C 223 223
16 Tray M 216 216
17 Dennis Jr 201 201
18t Tom S 187 187
18t Tom M 187 187
20 Jim M 159 159
21 Dan M 139 139

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