2024 Monday Night Eliminator 10/21/24
Standings for Monday Night Eliminator 10/21/24

Monday Night Eliminator
Sorted by: last game
Monday Night Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Michael Dodd 276 (246) 274 (244) 216 (186) 676 766
2 Kevin Vangelder 208 (199) 253 (244) 191 (182) 625 652
3 Jimmy Overbey 265 (247) 260 (242) 189 (171) 660 714
4 Clent Tayler 208 (193) 239 (224) 417 447 elim
5t James Fielder 258 (258) 211 (211) 469 469 elim
5t Jason Smith 246 (212) 211 (177) 389 457 elim
7 Kevin Watkins 261 (245) 195 (179) 424 456 elim
8 Derek Dillon 199 (190) 190 199 elim
9 Charlie Buie 182 (164) 164 182 elim