2025 Monday night eliminator 1/13/25
Standings for Monday night eliminator 1/13/25

Monday night
Sorted by: last game
Monday night 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Jason Smith 255 (224) 238 (207) 431 493
2 Kevin Van Gelder 247 (234) 237 (224) 458 484
3 Jimmy Overbey 249 (224) 220 (195) 419 469
4 Derek Dillon 249 (235) 209 (195) 430 458 elim
5 James Fielder 208 (208) 191 (191) 399 399 elim
6 Michael Dodd 231 (201) 171 (141) 342 402 elim
7 Kevin Watkins 194 (172) 172 194 elim
8 Clent Taylor 175 (151) 151 175 elim