2022 $1,000 Ultimate Singles
Standings for $1,000 Ultimate Singles

Eliminator Side Pot (unofficial)
Sorted by: subtotal game 1
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Clint Owens 279 (279) 279 240 (240) 289 (289) 253 (253) 279 (279) 258 (258) 212 (212) 1810 1810 $100.00
2 Kevin Smith 277 (277) 277 245 (245) 234 (234) 183 (183) 939 939 $70.00 elim
3 Tim Raines 266 (266) 266 182 (182) 448 448 $40.00 elim
4 Josh Imhoff 256 (256) 256 280 (280) 240 (240) 256 (256) 291 (291) 250 (250) 160 (160) 1733 1733 $30.00
5 Brooks Brad 256 (256) 256 239 (239) 234 (234) 175 (175) 904 904 elim
6 Anthony Bledsoe 236 (236) 236 253 (253) 253 (253) 207 (207) 223 (223) 224 (224) 213 (213) 1609 1609
7 Eric Bell 234 (234) 234 183 (183) 188 (188) 184 (184) 255 (255) 223 (223) 1267 1267 elim
8 Chandler Tisdale 232 (232) 232 188 (188) 213 (213) 243 (243) 226 (226) 236 (236) 196 (196) 1534 1534
9 Glenn Brown 203 (203) 203 213 (213) 237 (237) 237 (237) 223 (223) 196 (196) 1309 1309 elim
10 Michael Dailey 194 (194) 194 220 (220) 190 (190) 214 (214) 214 (214) 1032 1032 elim
11 Ryan Rollison 185 (185) 185 220 (220) 134 (134) 539 539 elim
12 Brandon Johnston 181 (181) 181 231 (231) 238 (238) 220 (220) 215 (215) 227 (227) 135 (135) 1447 1447
13 Tq Nimox 178 (178) 178 194 (194) 153 (153) 525 525 elim
14 Cliff Edwards 170 (170) 170 235 (235) 214 (214) 220 (220) 182 (182) 1021 1021 elim
15 Tim Hollins 169 (169) 169 172 (172) 341 341 elim
16 Mei Miller 167 (167) 167 167 167 elim
17 Travis Miller 137 (137) 137 137 137 elim