2022 AG Proshops Sweeper June
Standings for AG Proshops Sweeper June

Elim Hdcp (final)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2,game 1,game 2,subtotal game 4,game team_hdcp_total
Elim Hdcp 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Daniel Vasquez 222 (205) 232 (215) 454 191 (174) 163 (146) 808 740 808 $50.00
2t Ryan Melillo 210 (163) 214 (167) 424 221 (174) 210 (163) 855 667 855 $20.00
2t Chris Uhlar 180 (148) 244 (212) 424 178 (146) 198 (166) 800 672 800 $20.00
4 Eric Abel 199 (182) 197 (180) 396 196 (179) 211 (194) 803 735 803
5 Rip Ortega 218 (199) 171 (152) 389 214 (195) 212 (193) 815 739 815
6 Ace Chavis, Jr 185 (160) 201 (176) 386 204 (179) 214 (189) 804 704 804
7t Cavanaugh Anthony 193 (143) 185 (135) 378 164 (114) 185 (135) 727 527 727
7t Ben Broomfield 166 (138) 212 (184) 378 147 (119) 166 (138) 691 579 691
9 Daniel Romano 172 (126) 192 (146) 364 222 (176) 280 (234) 866 682 866
10 Michelle Courtina 182 (132) 178 (128) 360 216 (166) 184 (134) 760 560 760
11 JJ Salomon 179 (156) 179 (156) 358 238 (215) 163 (140) 759 667 759
12 Paul Rosenfeld 164 (132) 164 (132) 328 206 (174) 186 (154) 720 592 720