2022 Holiday Doubles 2022
Standings for Holiday Doubles 2022

Eliminator Handicap Pot (final)
Sorted by: game team_scratch_total,subtotal game 3,subtotal game 1,game 1,subtotal game 2
Eliminator Handicap Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Dewayne Perry 233 (233) 233 248 (248) 481 248 (248) 729 729 729 $40.00
2 Ryan Sidney 223 (223) 223 278 (278) 501 203 (203) 704 704 704 $5.00
3 Matt Wilhite 226 (226) 226 258 (258) 484 182 (182) 666 666 666 elim
4 T.J. Dressler 278 (278) 278 226 (226) 504 504 504 elim
5 Brad Branam 233 (207) 233 229 (203) 462 410 462 elim
6 Chris Drake 215 (215) 215 177 (177) 392 392 392 elim
7 Jc Dressler 189 (188) 189 188 189 elim
8 Joey Price 206 (186) 206 186 206 elim
9 Ethan Sparks 204 (169) 204 169 204 elim