2023 One Ball Only (OBO)
Standings for One Ball Only (OBO)

Hcp Eliminator Side Pot (final)
Sorted by: game team_scratch_total,subtotal game 2,game 2,game 4,subtotal game 3
Hcp Eliminator Side Pot 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Tyler Jandt 233 (233) 233 231 (231) 464 248 (248) 219 (219) 931 931 $120.00
2 Allan Smith 210 (210) 210 197 (197) 407 219 (219) 267 (267) 893 893 $80.00
3 Lonnie Bridges 185 (175) 185 234 (224) 419 243 (233) 230 (220) 852 892
4 Donald Lichtenwalter 236 (225) 236 194 (183) 430 223 (212) 236 (225) 845 889
5 Donzel Laney 184 (184) 184 215 (215) 399 258 (258) 178 (178) 835 835
6 Daniel Spells Sr 222 (222) 222 175 (175) 397 201 (201) 217 (217) 815 815
7 Ed Hellon 166 (166) 166 200 (200) 366 198 (198) 247 (247) 811 811
8 Linsey Phillips 208 (198) 208 203 (193) 411 201 (191) 204 (194) 776 816
9 Stephen Rojas 126 (118) 126 205 (197) 331 239 (231) 233 (225) 771 803
10 Donovan Riggles 175 (169) 175 204 (198) 379 193 (187) 219 (213) 767 791
11t Patricia Flowers 202 (163) 202 229 (190) 431 237 (198) 249 (210) 761 917
11t Mike Becker 166 (166) 166 211 (211) 377 181 (181) 203 (203) 761 761
13 Chris Causey 195 (176) 195 190 (171) 385 238 (219) 166 (147) 713 789
14 Adam Anguiano 216 (216) 216 150 (150) 366 160 (160) 170 (170) 696 696
15 Ed McEathron 162 (158) 162 162 (158) 324 218 (214) 168 (164) 694 710
16 Hank Williams 227 (196) 227 166 (135) 393 210 (179) 195 (164) 674 798
17 Lisa Freeman 222 (178) 222 223 (179) 445 172 (128) 210 (166) 651 827
18 James Mathis 170 (148) 170 210 (188) 380 151 (129) 188 (166) 631 719
19 Cora Allred 211 (156) 211 212 (157) 423 202 (147) 165 (110) 570 790
20 Soanna Reed 190 (142) 190 193 (145) 383 218 (170) 150 (102) 559 751