2023 8/18 No-Tap
Standings for 8/18 No-Tap

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 3
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Gunnar Williams 241 (241) 264 (264) 277 (277) 230 (230) 1012 1012 $40.00
2 Brittany Williams 179 (179) 204 (204) 264 (264) 244 (244) 891 891 $15.00 elim
3 David Peters 210 (210) 197 (197) 256 (256) 246 (246) 909 909 elim
4 AJ Hopkins 232 (232) 243 (243) 230 (230) 176 (176) 881 881
5 Tyler Williams 278 (278) 300 (300) 226 (226) 162 (162) 966 966 elim
6 Phil Perry 211 (211) 300 (300) 220 (220) 255 (255) 986 986 elim
7 Cecil Wright 223 (223) 221 (221) 212 (212) 253 (253) 909 909 elim
8 Caleb Harris 211 (211) 185 (185) 180 (180) 576 576 elim
9 Daniel Belew 235 (235) 208 (208) 170 (170) 231 (231) 844 844 elim
10 Levi Bishop 142 (142) 177 (177) 164 (164) 141 (141) 624 624 elim
11 Michael Hubbert 226 (226) 216 (216) 135 (135) 239 (239) 816 816 elim
12 Ethan Runnels 265 (265) 197 (197) 122 (122) 200 (200) 784 784 elim