2024 CATL 10-6-24 Wk 5 Professor Bowl
Standings for CATL 10-6-24 Wk 5 Professor Bowl

$5 Eliminator Hdcp
Sorted by: subtotal game 1
$5 Eliminator Hdcp 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 CHAD LOVE 287 (269) 287 229 (211) 186 (168) 648 702 $30.00
2 MIKE PAYNE 248 (239) 248 210 (201) 440 458 $20.00 elim
3 BRETT DANIEL 247 (215) 247 266 (234) 232 (200) 649 745 $10.00
4 KELVIN ROBERSON 236 (192) 236 192 236 elim
5 BRUCE THOMAS 229 (189) 229 287 (247) 230 (190) 626 746
6 CLIFF EDWARDS 228 (219) 228 253 (244) 266 (257) 720 747
7 VIRGIL HOGAN 228 (193) 228 224 (189) 382 452 elim
8 KYLE LOVELL 227 (188) 227 201 (162) 350 428 elim
9 QUADIR BROADWAY 226 (200) 226 200 226 elim
10 VICTOR THOMAS 217 (189) 217 189 217 elim
11 LARRY JORDAN 205 (170) 205 170 205 elim
12 CORQUIS CHISM 195 (185) 195 185 195 elim
13 THELTON COBB 194 (159) 194 159 194 elim