2024 CATL 10-20-24 Wk 6 Rice Bowling Ctr
Standings for CATL 10-20-24 Wk 6 Rice Bowling Ctr

$5 Elim 1-3
Sorted by: scratch total
$5 Elim 1-3 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 KEENAN CAMP 259 (237) 234 (212) 199 (177) 626 692 $25.00 elim
2 LAWRENCE WILLIS III 245 (218) 206 (179) 221 (194) 591 672 $10.00
3 TONY PENNINGTON 217 (189) 210 (182) 232 (204) 575 659 $5.00
4 RON GOZA 202 (177) 212 (187) 227 (202) 566 641
5 THELTON COBB 221 (186) 210 (175) 212 (177) 538 643 elim
6 CALEB PATTERSON 193 (184) 174 (165) 188 (179) 528 555 elim
7 BRUCE THOMAS 215 (179) 206 (170) 200 (164) 513 621 elim
8 VICTOR THOMAS 166 (138) 224 (196) 182 (154) 488 572 elim
9 KYLE LOVELL 200 (161) 208 (169) 191 (152) 482 599 elim