2025 CATL 1-12-2025 Professor Bowl Week 12
Standings for CATL 1-12-2025 Professor Bowl Week 12

$5 Elim 1-3
Sorted by: scratch total
$5 Elim 1-3 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 THELTON COBB 249 (214) 293 (258) 218 (183) 655 760 $30.00
2 RON GOZA 242 (214) 263 (235) 189 (161) 610 694 $20.00
3 VICTOR THOMAS 231 (203) 219 (191) 201 (173) 567 651 $10.00
4 KELVIN ROBERSON 231 (186) 255 (210) 193 (148) 544 679
5 CLIFF EDWARDS 244 (237) 201 (194) 431 445 elim
6 QUADIR BROADWAY 275 (247) 187 (159) 406 462 elim
7 THOMAS ROSS 244 (219) 196 (171) 390 440 elim
8 BRETT DANIEL 255 (218) 204 (167) 385 459 elim
9 JOSH IMHOFF 229 (229) 229 229 elim
10 MIKE PAYNE 228 (219) 219 228 elim
11 CHAD LOVE 227 (209) 209 227 elim
12 KYLE LOVELL 220 (181) 181 220 elim
13 ALEX THOMAS SR 194 (169) 169 194 elim
14 BRUCE THOMAS 197 (153) 153 197 elim