2024 JWHF_24/25
Standings for JWHF_24/25

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Colten Lang 211 (192) 244 (225) 188 (169) 586 643 $50.00
2 Tommy Meinhart 232 (223) 200 (191) 202 (193) 607 634 $30.00
3 Ricky Whitton 221 (205) 198 (182) 387 419 elim
4 Andy Felchak 240 (222) 196 (178) 400 436 elim
5t Jessie Coker 203 (176) 176 203 elim
5t Kenneth Davis 195 (184) 184 195 elim
5t Johnny Carroll 194 (160) 160 194 elim
5t Chris Chapman 166 (153) 153 166 elim