2024 2024-2025 Monday Big Money
Standings for 2024-2025 Monday Big Money

Eliminator Side Pot
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Chris Hood 299 (299) 224 (224) 523 257 (257) 780 780 $40.00
2 Marshall Morrison 257 (257) 259 (259) 516 247 (247) 763 763 $20.00
3 Chris Driehurst 286 (278) 226 (218) 512 175 (167) 663 687 $12.00
4 Sarah Turner 225 (170) 259 (204) 484 287 (232) 606 771
5 Garrett Gaster 233 (223) 231 (221) 464 243 (233) 677 707
6 Labrent Bowie 229 (211) 228 (210) 457 255 (237) 658 712
7 Joshua Pickett 233 (215) 205 (187) 438 402 438 elim
8 Shane Brown 234 (234) 203 (203) 437 437 437 elim
9 Daniel Hendricks 259 (258) 177 (176) 436 434 436 elim
10 TJ Henderson 215 (184) 214 (183) 429 367 429 elim
11 Roger Dorsey 244 (213) 184 (153) 428 366 428 elim
12 Chad McCoy 225 (208) 199 (182) 424 390 424 elim
13 John Kennedy 213 (204) 204 213 elim
14 Alicia Bowie 211 (191) 191 211 elim
15 Dale Patterson 208 (155) 155 208 elim
16 Calvin Wilkes 168 (124) 124 168 elim