2022 1/21 Handicap Shootout
Standings for 1/21 Handicap Shootout

Survivor (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 2,subtotal game 1
Survivor 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Dan Homan 233 (224) 233 276 (267) 204 (195) 686 713 $40.00
2 Alan Mendoza 240 (232) 240 264 (256) 217 (209) 697 721 $25.00
3 Mike Nelson 245 (235) 245 233 (223) 245 (235) 693 723 $15.00
4 Scott Pollack 289 (264) 289 227 (202) 217 (192) 658 733
5 Devin Holzmann 237 (237) 237 224 (224) 239 (239) 700 700
6 Brandon Cerventas 276 (267) 276 220 (211) 228 (219) 697 724
7 Andrew Mehl 209 (187) 209 193 (171) 358 402 elim
8 Alan Lundgren 222 (217) 222 170 (165) 382 392 elim
9 Alex Kouvelas 220 (209) 220 167 (156) 365 387 elim
10t Kim Mays 208 (185) 208 185 208 elim
10t Craig Gresko 207 (203) 207 203 207 elim
10t Chris Lewicki 200 (157) 200 157 200 elim
10t Stelios Kouvelas 194 (184) 194 184 194 elim
10t Will Clark 190 (190) 190 190 190 elim
10t Becky Gresko 185 (161) 185 161 185 elim
10t Steve Boyd 177 (177) 177 177 177 elim
10t Eduardo Arias 176 (160) 176 160 176 elim