2022 King Of The Hill Blind Draw Doubles
Standings for Side Action

JUNIORS Sat Jan 15 at 1:00
Game $
Game 1
Billy Parker IV 300 (249+51)
Cephus Beatty 218 (171+47)
Kayla Parker 215 (148+67)
Jake Guastelle 215 (183+32)
Jimmy Parker Jr 212 (142+70)
Game 2
Billy Parker IV 309 (258+51)
Jake Guastelle 297 (265+32)
Cephus Beatty 250 (203+47)
Kayla Parker 245 (178+67)
Jimmy Parker Jr 215 (145+70)
Game 3
Cephus Beatty 305 (258+47)
Jake Guastelle 269 (237+32)
Billy Parker IV 240 (189+51)
Kayla Parker 205 (138+67)
Jimmy Parker Jr 201 (131+70)
Game 4
Billy Parker IV 254 (203+51)
Cephus Beatty 231 (184+47)
Jake Guastelle 221 (189+32)
Kayla Parker 213 (146+67)
Jimmy Parker Jr 198 (128+70)
Game 5
Cephus Beatty
Billy Parker IV
Jimmy Parker Jr
Kayla Parker
Jake Guastelle
Total (games 1,2,3,4,5)
Billy Parker IV 1103 (899+204)
Cephus Beatty 1004 (816+188)
Jake Guastelle 1002 (874+128)
Kayla Parker 878 (610+268)
Jimmy Parker Jr 826 (546+280)
Total $